Wild Game Outdoor Event hosted by Crossroads Church

In a family friendly environment, we introduce/re-acquaint men and boys with activities of the outdoors. We create excitement about getting back to nature while raising funds to benefit those that can't afford basic home needs and necessary projects.

The Wild Game Outdoor event will be March 28th 1-6 p.m. Tickets are available at Crossroads Church Welcome Center 8901 S Shields Blvd. Oklahoma City. For adults, tickets are $10 and for kids 12 and under tickets are $5. For boys, there will be a BB gun range challenge, bait casting event, archery lessons and a contest for best camouflage outfit. For men, there will be wild game outdoor events such as a bow shooting contest and duck & turkey calling. Exhibits include hunting guns, fish mounts, wildlife mounts, camp site and Dutch-oven cooking. There will be a dinner at 4 p.m. and prizes will be awarded. For more information call (405) 634-1495.