Recycling Christmas refuse and trees in the Tulsa metro

TULSA — For the sixth year, Tulsa-based American Waste Control is holding its annual “unboxing Christmas” campaign to encourage recycling, and this year the proceeds will benefit a local charity.

Paul Ross with AWC tells KRMG a portion of all the recycling proceeds will go to "Loaves and Fishes," a longstanding non-profit in east Tulsa.

While many cities in the metro offer curbside recycling, not all households take advantage of the service.

But AWC has a program called “Mr. Murph,” with dozens of recycling bins spread throughout the area.

For an interactive map of Mr. Murph recycling locations, click here.

The main location is at 1150 N. Peoria, and for those wishing to rid themselves of Christmas trees (without having to chop them into four-foot sections), there’s a dumpster there where they can be dropped off for free.

Tulsa residents can cut their trees into four-foot sections and leave them by the curbside.

In either case, all tinsel and other decorations should be removed from the tree.

As for recycling all those boxes and bags, there are some exceptions which should not go into the bins:

  • Shiny or metallic wrapping paper (including foil and paper embedded with glitter)
  • Tinsel
  • Lights or cords
  • Ribbons and bows, gift bags (they recommend these be reused)
  • Bubble wrap